support for legacy Products

Petroleum Measurement Tables

Petroleum Measurement Tables Patch

Issue description: "Is not a valid floating point value" and no serial number displayed

Description of patch:
This patch is for customer who's PCs' regional setting uses ',' as a decimal separator instead of '.' the program default.  This results in the error message that the number is not a valid floating point value.

How to download and apply the patch:
Click here to download.
To apply the patch:
The file is approx. 305KB in size. Save it in a directory of your choice, You will then  extract the PetroleumMeasurementTables.exe file from the Zip file.

Issue description: "Protection Error 1009" and no serial number displayed

Description of patch:
This patch is for customer who have a Windows 64-bit Operating system who get a "Protection Error 1009" message.

The Solution:
Downloading and install the patch as above.
Click here to download.